The PEI Public Transit Coalition

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Meeting Minutes

MINUTES: March 2, 2005 – PTC Steering Committee


-David MacKay spoke with John Pearce (T2000). He suggested contacting Andy Patterson of King’s Transit in Nova Scotia to speak at a PTC function. All agreed that this would be an important PTC event. Andy Patterson is retiring this year from his position as manager. Andy, who comes from a retail background, is credited largely with the success of King’s Transit. With the population it serves, and the effective growth of the King’s Transit system as a community based and people oriented system, PEI can use it as a guiding model.

- It was suggested that we bring Andy over for a couple days in early or mid April, invite him to a business mixer in the day with Charlottetown Rotary, Chamber of Commerce in the afternoon, and an open public forum in the evening. It was also highly recommended that we invite him to a function in Summerside.

-It is agreed that the PTC must widen our representation and establish credibility across the Island. The province seems to be a major hold-out to transit. Cooperating with Summerside and including other areas that we hope the system will grow to service is key to discussions with the Province.

-The PTC should increase discussions with business community, ie TIA PEI, and Downtown Business Development.

-The PTC has received funding from Health Canada thanks to a proposal by David MacKay and many letters of recommendation from our member groups.

-It is suggested that the PTC set up a meeting with Wayne Collins, Chair of the Provincial Standing Committee on Climate Change. Have province commit to an implementation strategy.

-The recent federal budget has shown more money allocated for transportation infrastructure. The PTC should meet with MP Shawn Murphy to see if there are any conditions that the Fed. Gov. sets that ensures Fed. money gets used properly and directly for public transit. ie user groups get consulted.

-Some main guiding points that PTC must continue to highlight publicly: 1. Include user group consultation. 2. Encourage province wide business implementation plan 3. City (or Prov.) must hire public transit commissioner.

Meeting adjourned at 1:15pm.